Sunday, January 27, 2008

#13 Mmmm, yumm, TASTY!

I love It's so convenient to store up links to my favorite websites on one web page. It's also very cool to find out whether a page that I link to is popular with others or not. When I've just found out about a great website and link to it in, I'm sometimes dumbfounded that I hadn't discovered it sooner, because thousands of others have it on their list! Other times, I seem to be one of the tiniest handful of people (or the only person) who likes a particular website.

We're trying to use for faculty/staff workshops, to share the tools we talk about with those who attended so they may revisit them later. So far, the faculty love it. Their only suggestion is that we use fewer tags (they're getting lost in the forest of tags!). Here's the URL for that page: We call it "Past Faculty Library Workshops."

#12 Rolling My Own Search Engline with Rollyo

Rollyo--very cool! I had read a bit about it, but never took the time to explore it. Thanks, 23 Things! So far, I haven't exploited it to a great degree, but I'm psyched. I've created a short list of trusted librarians' blogs that Rollyo will search for me, in one fell swoop. I called my Rollyo searchroll "Library Blogs." You can see my search box below. The blogs included are "Research Buzz," "Librarian in Black," "The Ubiquitous Librarian," and "The Shifted Librarian." I tried looking for what these bigshots had to say about movies (or the singular, "movie"), and they had lots to say! For instance, they told me about a Google "Hack" called Moogle, that allows you to search specifically for movie reviews in Google news. Something tells me this Google hacking is not much different from rollyo, which allows you to design special searches. The world of web 2.0 is opening up!

Powered by Rollyo

Saturday, January 19, 2008

#11 LibraryThing

I had been using Shelfari before, but I do like this LibraryThing better. It's so much more powerful. I love that you can organize your books with it on top of using it to compare your favorite books with your friends' choices. I haven't had a chance to add many books, but you can take a peek at my shelf that I made with LibraryThing's "random book covers" Preset Widget under "Tools."

Image Generator Alligator

Well, there are no alligators here, but I do think that Tom Cruise's face mixed with Salma Hayek's hair and body (using the HairMixer Generator at URL below) makes for a scary photograph.

To ease the pain, I've included this pretty sketch made from a cat's photograph using "Sketch Generator" at the second URL listed below.

Finally, I couldn't stop myself from creating an image that's not just creepy or cute, but annoying. I did that one using the "Dummies Book Generator" at the URL listed last. Check below to see this book cover image!